Rizzoli Advanced Elbow Course
2nd Edition - 2nd Meeting
Elbow Fractures
The Rizzoli Advanced Elbow Course, started in 2007, has come to the 2nd Meeting of the 2nd Edition. The new Course will be held in September 15th at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna and it will address the topic of complex elbow fractures.
Once again Professor O'Driscoll from the Mayo Clinic (USA) will honor the Course with his participation as Co-Director.
The faculty of the Course will be completed by nationally and internationally known leading experts.
The aim of the Course is to illustrate the current concepts of the modern treatment of traumatic elbow lesions and to discuss the controversies stili present: which is the better approach for distal humerus fractures, is still the radial head resection a possibility and when should it be repaired or replaced, when does the coronoid need to be fixed? Which the role of elbow arthroscopy and replacement in elbow fractures?
Through room presentations, round tables, live and recorded- surgeries, the Course will stimulate
an interactive discussion between faculty and participants, to compare our personal experiences, believes and intuitions.
At the end of the day, the Course is structured to allow ali of us to be more confident in treating complex elbow fractures and to improve function and quality of life far patients that injured their elbow.